Jessica modeled for me as I tested a new location for portrait photography - the campus of Regent University. This is a very picturesque location, reminiscent of William and Mary University. The Library building and the nearby fountain both are wonderful locations for high schools seniors, bridals and families.
Kim and Jeff had their wedding at the Virginia Beach United Methodist Church with the reception nearby at the Princess Anne Country Club. The beautiful ceremony was followed by a great reception with fun photos on the practice green, a choreographed dance by Kim and her bridesmaids and Jeff and Kim bodysurfing on the top of the dancing crowd.
It's about time I catch up on posting my June weddings. The first is Belinda and Jason's wedding. They were married at Central Baptist Church in Ghent. The reception was a short drive away to the Waterside Marriott. Despite the limo blowing a tire as he brought the bride and bridesmaids to the church, smoky air from a nearby peat fire and warm temperatures that gave the groom "hot flashes", the entire affair was beautiful and fun.